Burnout is more than just emotional exhaustion; it's a serious condition affecting your physical health, cognitive abilities, and overall well-being. Coined by Herbert Freudenberger, PhD, in 1974 and further elaborated in his book, "Burnout: The High Cost of High Achievement", burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. This feeling of being overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands can lead to a loss of interest and motivation in the very roles we once chose to take on. So let's look at The Science Behind Burnout: What Happens to Your Brain and Body and How to Counter It
In May 2021, the World Health Organization recognized "Burnout syndrome" as an official medical diagnosis, reinforcing its status as a significant health concern. However, what exactly does burnout do to your brain and body? Let's delve into the science behind it.
Triggered by chronic stress, burnout puts the body in a constant fight-or-flight state. Over time, this can lead to physiological changes that negatively impact health, such as an elevated heart rate, high blood pressure, and a compromised immune system. We've long known that chronic stress contributes to both physical and mental diseases, but recent scientific advancements now allow us to understand precisely how burnout affects the brain.
One of the significant effects of burnout is the alteration in the structure of the prefrontal cortex - an area of the brain essential for complex decision-making, abstract reasoning, and our understanding of ourselves and others. Chronic stress can lead to a thinning of the gray matter in this part of the brain, impairing our ability to make appropriate decisions and respond thoughtfully to situations. This degradation can affect our attention and memory retention, making it harder to learn new things and increasing the risk of mistakes.
Simultaneously, burnout can enlarge the amygdala - the brain region responsible for our fight-or-flight response. As the part of the brain that helps us perceive danger becomes more potent, and the part that aids in thoughtful decision-making weakens, we may start to perceive the world as more harmful than it actually is.
But can these changes be reversed? Fortunately, studies suggest they can. For instance, cognitive behavioral therapy for burnout has been shown to reduce the size of the amygdala and restore the prefrontal cortex to pre-stress levels. Interestingly, feeling in control of the stressor also appears to be a significant factor in preventing these harmful brain changes.
So, how can we counteract burnout? Here are some practical tips:
Prioritize Self-Care: It's crucial to replenish your physical and emotional energy, along with your capacity to focus. This involves prioritizing healthy sleep habits, nutrition, exercise, social connections, and activities that promote equanimity and well-being like meditating, journaling, and enjoying nature. If it seems challenging to fit these activities into a busy schedule, take some time to track how you spend your day and evaluate where changes can be made.
Shift Your Perspective: Tackling the root causes of burnout requires a thorough look at your mindset and assumptions. Are there ways to reshape your job in order to gain more control or focus on the most fulfilling tasks? Can you build some positive, supportive relationships to counteract the ones that drain you? If you're feeling ineffective, seek out assistance or opportunities for development.
Reduce Exposure to Job Stressors: You need to identify high-stress activities and relationships and set healthy boundaries. This might involve resetting expectations with colleagues, clients, and even family members. It's important to make these changes to improve your long-term productivity and protect your health.
Seek Out Connections: Particularly when burnout is driven by cynicism and inefficacy, rich interpersonal interactions and continuous personal and professional development can be the best antidote. Find coaches and mentors who can help you activate positive relationships and learning opportunities.
Understanding the science behind burnout underscores the urgency of addressing this condition. It's not just a mental state; it's a physiological and neurological condition that warrants timely attention and care. As a certified burnout coach, I can guide you through these steps, helping you understand the science behind your feelings and directing you toward recovery using a holistic approach. If you're dealing with burnout, don't hesitate to reach out. Remember, it's not just about surviving; it's about thriving in a life that aligns with your values and purpose.
End burnout. Start living. I can help.
CNN Health - Your Brain on Burnout
Psychological Science Observer - Burnout and the Brain
American Psychological Association - How stress affects your body
Harvard Business Review - Beating Burnout
Disclaimer: This blog is intended to provide general information about burnout and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition.