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Available Online

Jumpstart Burnout Coaching Session

Two Sessions, A Fresh Outlook

  • 1 hour
  • 749 US dollars
  • Zoom

Service Description

Your two 45-minute Jumpstart Coaching Sessions are designed to set you on a confident path towards overcoming burnout. In this personalized session, we'll navigate your unique challenges and unveil aspirations that may have been stifled by stress and exhaustion. You'll be equipped with effective coping techniques to manage burnout, fostering resilience in your demanding professional life. This session is not just about alleviating burnout symptoms, it's about digging deeper into the roots of your burnout, and finding a clearer path towards a healthier, more satisfying career in healthcare. It's a stepping stone towards one-on-one private coaching, should we both feel it's the right fit. Begin your journey towards a more fulfilling career today. *** Important: We Must have a discovery call prior to booking this service ***

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